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Tarot cards

Tarot cards are used for all sorts of purposes. Divinations, games, even as spell cards in some gaming systems. There are dozens upon dozens of types of readings as well, 15 of which you'll find below, but more will likely be added in the future, especially if there's a demand for it.

The tool is easy to use. Simply click 'Shuffle deck' to shuffle it, then click on any of the spread icons to have it deal the chosen spread, or click 'Draw single card' to draw a single card instead. Cards can be upside down (reversed), which is important in many readings.
Note that the deck will run out of cards, so you'll have to reshuffle them periodically.

Once you've picked a spread you can reveal the cards one at a time by clicking on them, or all at once by clicking the 'Reveal all' button. You can then click on each card to find out their rough meaning down below, as well as what each card in the spread roughly stands for in that particular reading. If you're new to tarot readings, I do recommend reading up on a specific reading first.

Tarot spread types

Celtic Cross
Cross and Triangle
Star Guide
Dream Exploration
Tree of Life
Past Life
True Love
Never Too Late
  • 1. You and your current state of being.
  • 2. That which influences you, or that which stands in your way.
  • 3. The origin of your question or struggle.
  • 4. Recent events and troubles.
  • 5. Issues of the future, which can change depending on how you respond to your present.
  • 6. The future
  • 7. Your current emotional state.
  • 8. External forces of influence (people, world, etc.)
  • 9. Hopes and desires regarding your question or struggle.
  • 10. The ultimate outcome should you follow your current path.
  • 1. Your life force.
  • 2. Your thoughts.
  • 3. Your emotions.
  • 4. Your spirit.
  • 5. Your physical being.
  • 6. Forces opposing you.
  • 7. Other opposing forces.
  • 8. Required energies. Those you need to call upon.
  • 9. Outcome of your question or struggle.
  • 1. Will, ambition, and creative force. - Fire
  • 2. Current plans and thoughts regarding your goals. - Air
  • 3. Your emotional self. - Water
  • 4. How you deal with every day life. - Earth
  • 5. What drives you in new directions. - Creator
  • 6. What keeps you healthy and balanced. - Sustainer
  • 7. That which needs to be abandoned to move forward. - Destroyer
  • 8. Cosmic forces that aid you. - Light
  • 9. Reaction of the cosmos to your state of being. - Dark
  • 10. Foundation of every other card and thus you. - Premise
  • 1. Represents you.
  • 2. Your home. - Moon
  • 3. Your skills, integrity, work. - Mercury
  • 4. Love in your life. - Venus
  • 5. Aggression and hostility in your life. - Mars
  • 6. Monetary elements in your life. - Jupiter
  • 7. Intellectual elements in your life. - Saturn
  • 8. Outcome of the overall question/struggle.
  • 1. Represents you.
  • 2. Your mood. - Aries
  • 3. Your finances. - Taurus
  • 4. Your communication and travel. - Gemini
  • 5. Family and home. - Cancer
  • 6. Your pleasures. - Leo
  • 7. Your health. - Virgo
  • 8. (Romantic) relationships. - Libra
  • 9. Death and inheritances. - Scorpio
  • 10. Education, dreams, spirituality. - Sagittarius
  • 11. Your career. - Capricorn
  • 12. Your friendships. - Aquarius
  • 13. Fears, doubts, burdens. - Pisces
  • 1. Your view of your partner.
  • 2. Your partner's view of you.
  • 3. Your needs.
  • 4. Needs of your partner.
  • 5. State of the relationship.
  • 6. The path you want your relationship to follow.
  • 7. The path your partner wants your relationship to follow.
  • 8. Elements of your relationship you need to consider.
  • 9. Outcome of your question or struggle.
  • 1. Your current situation.
  • 2. Causes of the struggles you face.
  • 3. Required changes to overcome the struggles.
  • 4. Your strength.
  • 5. Other challenges you might face on the way.
  • 6. Outcome of your question or struggle.
  • 1. Your current position in life.
  • 2. Goals for the next year.
  • 3. Things which empower you.
  • 4. Powers within you, which you need to develop.
  • 5. Your current material and physical well-being.
  • 6. Your current emotional state.
  • 7. Your current spiritual state.
  • 8. That which stands in your way.
  • 9. Actions required of you to achieve the goals from 2.
  • 1. Represents you.
  • 2. Your ambitions, desires, and primal urges.
  • 3. Path to spiritual satisfaction. Also your ideals and goals.
  • 4. Your accomplishments and path in life.
  • 5. Your dependencies in life.
  • 6. Your strengths and virtues.
  • 7. Your flaws and weaknesses.
  • 8. Your self-image and self-awareness.
  • 9. Your desires and higher purpose.
  • 1. Relevance of your dream to your life.
  • 2. Lessons which can be learned from your dream.
  • 3. How to apply your dream and its lessons to your life.
  • 1. Your highest ideals.
  • 2. Your creative force.
  • 3. Your wisdoms.
  • 4. Your virtues.
  • 5. Your life force.
  • 6. Your health and beauty.
  • 7. Your lusts, loves, instincts, and artistic side.
  • 8. You as a scientist, designer, and procreator.
  • 9. Your psychic self, and imagination.
  • 10. Your physical self.
  • 1. Emotional influences.
  • 2. Mental influences.
  • 3. Spiritual influences.
  • 4. Physical influences.
  • 5. Karmic debt you owe.
  • 6. Karmic lessons you could learn.
  • 7. Impact of your past life on your present life.
  • 8. Impact of your past life on your future.
  • 1. Will you ever find true love?
  • 2. Will it be love at first sight, or a slow realization?
  • 3. What will your true love be like physically?
  • 4. What will they be like emotionally?
  • 5. Are there issues you need to deal with, which delay your first contact/relationship development?
  • 6. Are there issues your true love has to deal with, which delay your first contact/relationship development?
  • 7. When, where, and/or how will you meet your true love?
  • 1. Whether you'll ever find love again.
  • 2. Whether you already know this person.
  • 3. Where you know them from, or where you'll meet them.
  • 4. (Skip if 2 was affirmative). Will the attraction be instant, or a slow development.
  • 5. Issues delaying a meeting or a relationship with this person.
  • 6. What will this person be like physically?
  • 7. What will this person be like emotionally?
  • 8. What will this person be like romantically?
  • 9. How much potential the relationship has.
  • 1. January
  • 2. February
  • 3. March
  • 4. April
  • 5. May
  • 6. June
  • 7. July
  • 8. August
  • 9. September
  • 10. October
  • 11. November
  • 12. December
  • 13. Overall significance of this year.

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