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Flag creator

With this flag creator you're able to create a custom flag (obviously). There are a lot of different options and choices you can use to create an original flag, but it may be a little tricky if you don't read the instructions below.
This tool is similar to the coat of arms creator as it used the same images, but there are more options in terms of how you use colors and color patterns.


The first thing you'll notice is that you have a choice of 3 layers (top, middle and bottom) and 6 colors for each layer. Each color can also be turned to a transparent field, which is where the 'magic' of the layers comes in. By turning a color to transparent it'll reveal the color of the layer below (if you set any) and by playing around with the amount of fields you can reveal and hide bigger or smaller portions.
To change the amount of fields you simply click the corresponding buttons, '2 fields', '3 fields' and so on. You can change them to horizontal or vertical fields by clicking the 'horizontal fields' and 'vertical fields' buttons.

On top of that you can also rotate the fields. Simply enter a rotation in degrees (just the number) and click the 'change' button. Now this doesn't work well 100% of the time as you're working with a rectangle, so sometimes edges might not show or there might be small lines between each field (has to do with the browsers and such). Obviously creating a color pattern will be much easier in a real editing program, even paint would do, but not all of you have the patience to use such programs so I hope you'll appreciate this tool nonetheless.

Finally there are the images you can add. You can add up to 8 images, you can drag them around and you can even resize them if you toggle resize using the button with the same name. Obviously you'll lose quality if you resize the images to a large size, but the flag isn't that big anyway.
You can also add custom images using the custom image field. Simply add the url of any online image, click the corresponding change button, and the selected piece will have your selected image.
To more easily view where the images are, simply press the 'toggle borders' button and it'll show the image fields. Then click on one of them (border should turn blue) and click on any of the images in the crests panel.


Note that picking the colors will only work in modern browsers which support html5 well enough. If yours doesn't you'll see text fields instead of a clickable color square, if that's the case you can still enter hex values for colors (like #ffffff). Alternatively you could try updating your current browser or downloading a more modern one.

Saving the image

If you wish to save the flag you've created all you have to do is click the 'Turn into image' button and an image will appear below it that looks exactly like what you've created. The only difference being that this is a single image, rather than a whole lot of separate images. Simply right click it, select 'save as' and name it what you wish. That's all there is to it.
Note that currently this feature doesn't take into account angled lines, but I'll make sure to add those in the near future.

Commercial use

This generator is mostly meant for inspiration and for small, non-commercial projects (except for another flag creator or something similar). Perhaps you'd like to use a flag as your guild banner or as an avatar, which is fine. However, I don't allow you to sell the images created in this generator. While it's fine to use a flag in a book or other, similar commercial project, selling the images themselves as is or in an altered form and is not allowed.
At the end of the day this site, which I put a lot of time into, is still a means to create an income for myself, so I do have to protect some assets.

Color Layers
Bottom Layer
Middle Layer
Top Layer
Color 1:
Color 2:
Color 3:
Color 4:
Color 5:
Color 6:
2 fields
3 fields
4 fields
5 fields
6 fields
Horizontal Fields
Vertical Fields
Field angle:
Color 1:
Color 2:
Color 3:
Color 4:
Color 5:
Color 6:
2 fields
3 fields
4 fields
5 fields
6 fields
Horizontal Fields
Vertical Fields
Field angle:
Color 1:
Color 2:
Color 3:
Color 4:
Color 5:
Color 6:
2 fields
3 fields
4 fields
5 fields
6 fields
Horizontal Fields
Vertical Fields
Field angle:
Icons 2
Custom image:

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